

Paper: Comparing the structures of storytelling and magic for science communication with an agent-based model

José Ilic-García, Ignacio Ormazábal, along with professors Fernando Izaurieta and Hernán Astudillo have just published the first article in the field of science communication associated with the Physics Department of the University of Concepción. The article was published in the journal Public Understanding of Science, considered a leader in its field.

conferences, News

Students of Physical and Astronomical Sciences National Conference IV

The fourth version of the Students of Physical and Astronomical Sciences National Conference was held at the Casa del Deporte UdeC on August 7, 8 and 9, 2019. In this fourth version, the invitation was extended to high school students interested in the scientific area so that they attend the activities and can get involved in learning physics, astronomy, or related sciences.

conferences, inglés, News

EN – XIX SIMPOSIO CHILENO DE FÍSICA 2014 (26 – 28 Noviembre)

El Simposio Chileno de Física es un evento bianual patrocinado por la Sociedad Chilena de Física (SOCHIFI) que reúne al mayor número de Físicos Chilenos e invitados internacionales.Esta XIX versión del Simposio se realizará en la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas de la Universidad de Concepción y es organizada por los Departamento de Física de las Universidades de Concepción y del Bio Bio.