The Physical Sciences Student Body Council, CECF (, is the body that represents all the undergraduate students of the Physical Sciences degree at the University of Concepción.

CECF objectives are:

  1. Represent the student body of the Physical Sciences degree.
  2. Watch over the rights and interests of the students of the Physical Sciences degree.
  3. Promote the development of a variaty of activities, as long as they are in line with the integration of the student body and the improvement of university work and those who study.
  4. If needed, make the correspondet university organizations aware of any and all the concerns, problems and needs of the student body.

Current Members

Representatives before the Physics Udergraduate Council

For each bachelor’s degree of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, there will be an Undergraduate Council. The Council will ensure the fulfillment of the objectives, will evaluate the results and will know any problem with the operation of the bachelor’s degree. It will be in charge of designing the development policies of the Career and its projection, as well as the relevance of the Study Plans. It will also have the mission of ensuring the quality of training and participating in the accreditation processes.

The Physics Undergraduate Council will be made up of the Undergraduate Coordinator of the Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Sciences, representatives of the teaching body and three democratically elected student representatives. The contact email is

Undergraduate Coordinator:

Teaching Body Representatives:

Student Representatives: